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  She hadn’t done this in years, hadn’t been with anyone since the father of her child. Was she ready to sleep with Leo? He couldn’t understand the significance, not without her revealing her secret and she couldn’t, not now. Not when her body hungered for his touch, making all her other instincts retreat.

  She curved her hands over his cheeks and returned his kiss, letting the sensation of his stubble, his soft lips, his hot tongue chase her doubts away.

  For a moment she floated, and then the mattress was under her back and he was over her, his knee sliding between her thighs. She moaned when he glided his hand over her ribcage, hesitating under the swell of her breast. She arched in invitation and he covered her breast with his palm, but it wasn’t enough, not enough. She dragged her hands down his back, over the tight muscles. Her fingers crept under the hem of his T-shirt and skimmed over the skin above his belt, making him gasp and press his hips against her, his arousal apparent. She grew bolder, sliding both hands under his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her palms. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes as he tugged at her shirt, pulling it from beneath her, pulling it over her head until she lay beneath him in her bra, and an insubstantial one at that. His nostrils flared as he took in the sight of her in the dim light, and he trailed his fingertips over the slope of her breast to touch her extended nipple. She held her breath in anticipation as he paused, then rolled it between his fingers. When he bent his head, she closed her eyes, and let the heat of his mouth become the focal point of her world. He drew and pulled and caressed until she was on the edge of release, then he turned his attention to her other breast.

  But her patience was at an end. She reached between them for his shirt and dragged it up, feeling his crisp chest hair against her belly, the sensation only making her want more.

  She pulled at his shoulders until he was over her, his weight pressing her into the mattress, his hips parting hers, his arousal pressed against her where she needed him most. His mouth covered hers again, his hips moving in an instinctive rhythm, hers rising to meet it, each movement more desperate. God, he felt…and he was right… She pressed his hand to her breast and moaned into his mouth as pleasure swamped her, wave after wave.

  He broke free and stared at her. “Was that an—?”

  Heat flooded her cheeks even as the last twinges faded. “It’s been a really long time.”

  He circled his thumb on her waist, bumping it against the button of her jeans. “Should we stop?”

  They should, but she didn’t want to. If he could make her feel that good while she was still dressed…

  She shook her head. “Make love to me, Leo.”

  He made short work of his jeans and hers, then teased the skin of her thighs with light caresses before he covered her with his hand. Without thinking, she pushed against his fingers, her desire spiking as he stroked her, bringing her close to release again.

  Then he removed his touch. “Not yet.”

  She moaned a protest when he shifted away, but stopped when he removed his underwear. She turned onto her side to admire him, and slid her hand down his chest to close around him, hot and hard and ready. He drew in a breath, his head falling back, the cords in his neck tense as if he was fighting for control. Then he pushed her hand away and reached for his jeans.

  “This isn’t exactly how I pictured it,” he said as he drew a condom out of his pocket. “But it beats the front seat of my car. At least here I can get you completely naked.” He looked at her a long moment. “Take off your clothes, Trinity.”

  With shaking hands, she reached back to unhook her bra, freeing her breasts, then wriggled out of her panties. God, she’d never thought she’d be doing this tonight, or she would have worn cuter ones. Still, her choice of boy shorts didn’t seem to bother him. He scooped her hair back from her face and kissed her, then knelt between her legs. He moved slowly, dragging his erection against her thigh before sliding against her, then into her.

  Pain twinged for a moment, as bad as her first time, and she froze beneath him. But he was gentle and slow, and filled her until she pushed back, offering her throat as they strained together, finding a rhythm, riding it while hands stroked, mouths met and released, lips caressed sensitive skin. She was vaguely aware of the sound of water lapping against the hull and had a quick mental image of waves generating from their lovemaking.

  She loved how he filled her, how he moved, how his chest hair rasped her breasts. She loved how he stroked her thigh, her hip, her cheek, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. She loved how he kissed her, his lips parted, his tongue tasting her skin, and she surged up into him, holding him deep inside her.

  “Stay, just for a minute,” she managed as pleasure rippled through her, precursors to another orgasm.

  His arms quivered as he did what she asked, holding his weight over her. She lifted her hips into his, then, and he lost all control, powering into her, each stroke taking her higher and higher until she came with a cry, clutching his shoulders, pleasure shooting through her blood. His own shout echoed in the small space as he followed her, holding himself still, his body pressed to hers, stretched above her, so beautiful he made her heart ache.

  Then he blew out a breath, withdrew from her and dropped to his side on the mattress, pulling her close. He didn’t say anything, only curved his hand over her bare hip and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She hesitated, then glided her hand over his chest. She hadn’t exactly had an opportunity to explore him, to admire him, so she’d take it now. Still, she waited for him to say something.

  Finally he turned to face her. “I wanted—I didn’t think ahead. I thought our first time would be—better.”

  She tensed. “What was wrong?”

  “Not—nothing! Not us. The place. I wanted it to be special.” He lifted his hand from her hip and gestured around the cramped quarters. “Should be wine and flowers. We haven’t even gone on a real date yet.” He shifted closer and threaded his fingers through her hair. “What about Saturday? I’ll hire a babysitter and everything. We can go over to Wilson, have a nice dinner. Maybe find a quieter place to be alone, so we don’t feel like a couple of teenagers.”

  She shifted closer and pulled his head down to hers. “I don’t mind being right where we are.” She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him over her again.

  Chapter Nine

  Baseball practice, baseball games, movie nights, concert planning all ate up time, but they managed to slip away for a date every now and again, and to the boat more often than that. Leo had found time to clean up the berth and change the sheets, so it smelled better and was cozy, and if his dad noticed that the boat was nicer, if his mom saw him haul the laundry in and out of the house, they didn’t say anything. If anyone noticed them sneaking to and from the boat after dark, they didn’t say anything.

  Still, Leo had to get his own place. His mother had protested when he wanted to hire a babysitter to stay with Max while he went out with Trinity, but he explained to her that was what he’d do if he and Max lived on their own.

  He just needed to decide if he could stay in this town. His editor’s calls were less frequent, which should make him happy but only made him wonder what he was missing out on. But if he went back to that job, he wouldn’t have time for Max, and while the old Leo might have just felt guilty about that, now he felt a pang of regret for what he might miss. He’d miss his kid if he left. They still didn’t talk a lot, but they spent time together, quiet guy-time.

  Or maybe not-so-quiet, if you asked his mom, especially on video game tournament days.

  And then there was Trinity. He was happy for the first time since Liv died, but he thought he caught a shadow now and then when he looked into Trinity’s eyes. Every time they made love, though, something shifted in her, away from him. He should ask her about it, but didn’t want to spoil the little bit of time they had together.

  On impulse he looked up housing listings in the area. Just a couple here in town, one on the lake
and out of his price range, another in his parents’ neighborhood and another on the same road as the school. Just for fun, he drove by it before picking up Max. The for sale sign sat in front of a cute cottage-looking place, probably half the size that his home in Excelsior had been, with a nicely manicured yard, a fireplace, a big picture window, and he could see the school from here. Max would only attend this school a couple of more years, but Trinity could walk to work on nice days, and if they had kids….

  The thought pulled him up short. He hadn’t realized until today he was seriously considering staying here, and now he was buying a house and sticking Trinity in it with him? And there, in the shadows of his mind, other kids.

  He could report from here as well as anywhere—getting to an airport would be a bitch, but it was possible. He could coach and write and make love to Trinity, make babies with her, and she could walk to school from their little house, maybe come home for lunch and he’d be there, writing, but glad for the interruption—

  His libido was working overtime. That was all it was. He wasn’t built for this life. It was nice now because it was new and Lily kept him busy with the festival. But once that was over and baseball was over and winter set in, he’d lose his freaking mind. He tapped the gas and pulled away from the house. What was he thinking?


  “I’m going to Saint Paul next week for a teacher conference.” Trinity pulled her sweater over her head and turned to look at Leo, still naked on the bed—no, the berth, he’d corrected her. Her heart ached with longing, wanting to curl up against him, rest her head on his chest and fall asleep in his arms, something she’d never done with a man.

  He rolled onto his side and propped his head on his bent arm. “When?”

  “I leave Thursday and come back Sunday morning, since there’s a guest speaker Saturday night.”

  “You’re going to miss movie night and the first concert.” While they’d wanted Maddox to kick off the series, they’d decided they needed a practice run, first, and got a band from Minneapolis to be their guinea pigs so they could work out any kinks.

  “I know, and I feel bad—I know Lily was counting on my help, but, well, I look forward to this conference every year.”

  “I meant I was going to miss you. I thought maybe you’d dance with me.”

  “Dance?” She sat beside him and bent to slip on her sandals. “It’s just as well. I’m a terrible dancer.”

  “I can make you look good.” He stretched up, curving his hand around the back of her head, and kissed her. “I guess I can wait until the next week to show you.”

  Her heart twinged just a bit, imaging being held in his arms, full against him, in front of everyone. She was fairly sure people knew about their relationship by now—they were always together—but no one had said anything. Leo and Trinity had been careful not to be too affectionate with each other. Dancing with him would be next to a declaration. The idea at once scared and thrilled her. “Patience is a good thing.” She pulled away and stood. “See you tomorrow.”


  She wasn’t lying. She always looked forward to the conference, to getting away, to be around teachers and counselors and administrators who loved to talk teaching. Her least favorite part was driving in the city, something she wasn’t accustomed to doing, and it seemed the traffic got worse every year. But Teresa Conover was with her and navigated their way to the hotel. They checked in without incident, and rode the elevator up to a room with a tremendous view and two double beds. Not for the first time she wished she was here with Leo, a proper bed, a night—no, three—together. Of course then she wouldn’t get down to the meetings.

  The two women unpacked and went down to register for the conference and get dinner. She encountered a few old friends that she’d met in past years and got included in an invitation for dinner. She took Teresa along. They had a late night and a couple of drinks and came back to the hotel a little giggly.

  Leo rose from a couch in the lounge. Trinity stopped short and blinked. Surely she’d conjured him. But no, he approached with an uncertain grin, as if he hadn’t expected to see her with friends, see her dressed up, see her a little tipsy.

  “Is this Leo?” one of the ladies asked as Trinity swayed on her heels toward him.

  Trinity blushed, remembering she’d been a bit loose-lipped at the restaurant. Instead of answering, she gripped the lapel of his sportscoat.

  “You look nice,” she said.

  “So do you.” His hand coursed down the flirty skirt of her dress.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. I thought maybe if you weren’t too busy…” He cast a glance at her friends.

  She knew just what he meant, and her libido snapped awake. “Have you been waiting long?”

  “A couple of hours. A small price for surprising you.”

  That brought a collective “aww” from the ladies as Leo folded his hand around hers.

  “If you ladies will excuse us.” He turned his charming smile to them, but Trinity couldn’t take her gaze off him long enough to see their reaction. He led her toward the elevator, and all she could think was that the ladies knew exactly what she and Leo were going to do.

  “I have a roommate,” she managed when the elevator doors opened.

  “I don’t.” He led her inside and tucked her close, then waved at the watching women as the doors slid closed.

  His room wasn’t as high as hers, didn’t have as good of a view, but he had a big bed and a bottle of wine chilling, though he pushed it out of the way and reached for her. After weeks of crouching on the boat, standing and kissing, body to body, felt odd. She took advantage, curling her fingers in his hair, sliding against him, breasts to chest, hip to hip.

  “I was going to—take you out—to dinner,” he managed between kisses as she tugged his shirt out of his waistband.

  “I ate.” Then she pulled back to look at him. “Did you?”

  “I’ll get room service later. Right now, my appetite is for other things.”

  He lifted her and tossed her onto the center of the bed, then crawled up the length of it to follow her, looking every bit the Big Bad Wolf. She shuddered in anticipation. He shoved up her skirt, knelt between her thighs, and lifted her hips to his mouth.

  She came with a cry. While her body still quivered, he raised his head to grin at her, then shed his clothes before working on hers.

  “I want you on top,” he murmured against the swell of her breast.

  They’d never been able to do that with the limited headroom on the boat. She’d never been on top in her limited experience, and suddenly her desire went cold. “I don’t know if I can do a good job.”

  “Sweetheart, looking at you, touching you, being inside you, that’s what I want. You’ll be great.”

  The desire flickered again. “There’s a lot of light in here.”

  He rolled onto his back and pulled her over him. “The better to see you with.”

  She laughed at the Red Riding Hood reference when she’d just been thinking of him as the Big Bad Wolf. Then, before she knew it, he was inside her, rolling his hips against her encouragingly. The sensation was amazing, stroking nerve endings she didn’t knew she had, and she moved against him, over him, as his hands covered her breasts, tangled in her hair, stroked where they were joined. His hips rose again and again, his breathing became harsh and ragged, his fingers dug into her hips. One sensation blurred into another as she met his rhythm, as she felt him pulse inside her, as she followed, only to collapse on his chest. His heart pounded against her cheek—or maybe that was hers, she couldn’t tell. All she knew was that she felt powerful reducing this sexy, handsome man to a bundle of quivers.

  He eased her onto her side and kissed her as he dealt with practicalities. He stroked her hair, her cheek, her arm, then lifted his head and smiled. “I’m thinking…ice cream.”

  After they ate and made love again at a more leisurely pace, Leo turned out the lights and dre
w her into his arms, her back against her chest. A few moments passed before his breathing evened out, signaling that he was asleep, but Trinity couldn’t relax. She’d never slept in a man’s arms, never spent the night in a man’s bed. Despite his very thorough attentions, she was wound too tight. Sad, since she’d longed for this very thing since she and Leo started having sex. And it was incredible that he’d gone out of his way to come to be with her.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, his lips against the back of her neck.

  “I’m not used to sleeping naked.” Which was true.

  He released her and rolled off the other side of the bed. She heard him unzip his bag, then a moment later felt the dip in the bed when he returned.

  “Here. My T-shirt.”

  She closed her fingers over the soft, thick cotton, and again her heart squeezed. He was too good to her. She pulled the garment over her head, found her panties shoved to the foot of the bed, and felt better, having just that little shield.

  But as she lay down in his arms again, smelling him all around her, she knew she had to tell him the truth, and soon.


  Another first—her walk of shame. Wearing the same clothes she’d worn last night, though she’d showered in Leo’s room, Trinity crept into her hotel room, only to see Teresa already dressed and ready for news, no doubt. Trinity was sure her face would ignite in embarrassment.

  “I never do this.”

  Teresa waved a dismissive hand. “It’s not like he’s a stranger. It’s not like you’re not together all the time. So it’s serious?”

  She wouldn’t have slept with him, ever, if she hadn’t wanted it to be serious. And she had to admit his showing up here made her think he wanted more than they had, too. All the more reason to tell him. She turned toward the closet to select fresh clothes for the day, and shrugged. “We like each other a lot. But no one has said the L word yet.”